
I'm Shashank.

a web developer.

cloud cloud
Shashank Shekhar


I'm a programmer, web designer, and full stack web developer based in Bihar, India who focuses on writing clean and elegant codes.

My Skills.


Design and Development

I started programming in the second year of my bachelor course. I was pretty determined to be able to develop my own websites from scratch. Till then I've matured as a web developer and enjoy looking through codes of different websites and learning new methods and techniques to develop.

I'm a big foodie!!

Like developing websites, Eating and preparing food is also one of my favourite activities. Good food keeps me motivated and happy throughout the day.

Want To Hire Me?

Go through my work section

My all works on github are open source.You can view it and use it in your codes.It's all free.if you really want to pay for it, just buy me a cup of coffee

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© 2019 Shashank Shekhar.